How To Save Non-Renewable Energy By Using RedSun Solar Water Heater

Our modern life style is forcing us to destroy our environment to the extent that we are not getting time to look back to damage done to our Mother Earth. In a humble gesture to protect our Mother Earth, adopting Renewable Sources of Energy other than Non-renewable sources in our routine use can make a little difference to reduction of pollution. REDSUN Solar water heater has payback time of maximum 3 years giving hot water with spending single penny daily, Just ONE time investment and RELAX for hot water needs.

The technical overall potential assuming that 75% of pucca houses of the country occupied by the owners will have solar water heaters could be taken as 140 million sq. m. of collector area. The achievable/economic potential based on purchasing power of people/requirement of hot water in a year/ availability of space for installation of system/ availability of solar radiation etc. may, however, be taken as 35-40 million sq. m. of collector area

Electricity/Diesel Savings

  • A 100 lpd system (2 sq.m of collector area) installed in a home can save 4-6 units of electricity/day depending on the place of installation & hot water use. On an average it could be taken as 5 units/day. Maximum average saving with 300 clear days, therefore, could be taken as 1500 units/year.
  • Assuming 300 days of solar hot water use in Bangalore and 150 days in Delhi, the savings could be 1500 & 750 units per year respectively i.e. replacement of a 2 KW electric geyser working for 2 ½ hours in a day. Considering all parts of the country and maximum installations in areas where hot water requirement is more during the year, average saving could be taken as 1200 units/year/100 lpd system.
  • 1 million such systems installed will be able to save 1200 million units of electricity/year
  • A 100 lpd system (2 sq.m of collector area) installed in an industry can save around 140 litres of diesel in a year.

Peak load shaving

  • 1 system of 100 lpd can replace an electric geyser of 2 KW capacity in a home.
  • 1 million such systems will replace 1 million geysers of 2 KW capacity each in homes. Assuming that at least 50% of geysers are switched on at a time, this will have a peak load shaving of 1000 MW.

CO2 Reduction

  • A 100 lpd system on an average saves up to 1500 units of electricity/yr. To generate that much of electricity from a coal based power plant, 1.5 tone of CO2 /year is released in atmosphere. One million solar water heating systems installed in homes will , therefore, also result in reduction of 1.5 million tone of CO2 emission in atmosphere.

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